My mother married in 1947. She and her first husband had a son. My half brother. Mother goes on trip with toddler to visit family. First husband smokes in bed. Burns down the house and him with it. My mother marries again. Along I come.
I am here because some guy I never knew smoked in bed.
- A single guy goes to a dance. Asks the first damn that smiles at him if she wants to dance. He doesn't ask the prettier one, the more intelligent one, the classier one but the one that smiles at him. 10 years later they have a mortgage and 3 kids. Your one of them.
A single woman in the supermarkets deli section helps a dopey single guy pick out the best cheese to go with a red wine. 10 years later... well you get the picture. And your kid wants to know if he would be here if Adam and Eve didn't sin? Tell him he wouldn't be here if you made a right turn on First Ave instead of a left turn on Mar 1, 1974 at 7:00pm.